
Although I talk to a lot of inanimate objects, I very rarely name my possessions. I don't refer to my car as anything besides 'my car.' ditto for my laptop. ditto for everything else. But I've decided I may want to name my Garmin GPS.
Short for  'Tyrant.'
I admit I need the thing, because I am directionally challenged (I inherited that from my father, of course). I know what's in front of me, and if the sun is on the horizon, I know which way is east/west. I have to think hard about where the other compass points are after that. I also need a moment of contemplation before identifying my right and left. How do I drive with these handicaps? Well, I drive by landmarks [my brain has figured out how to 'auto-pilot' in certain oft-traversed areas]. And I use my GPS.
But we've been fighting lately. I'll want to go someplace downtown, and Ty is bound and determined that i should take the tollway. I don't want the tollway. So I drive by another route. Ty tries to redirect me to the tollway, even when I am CLEARLY on another highway that will get me to the same place. When I ignore the directions, the little tyrant keeps trying for the pre-determined 'better' way until I am almost to my destination. I've looked to see if there's an option for alternate routes, but all I found was a 'detour' button, which just temporarily changes my route, and then gets me back on the first route. Clearly this Garmin was programmed with a superiority complex.
On the plus side, I gave my GPS navigator a female British accent, because it's just really hard to get mad at people with British accents.


  1. I love your writing style! It makes it so entertaining to read. I'm glad you're blogging so that I can follow you.


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