the point at which i realized i am a nerd

Actually, I reached that point a long time ago, and made peace with it, but now is the point where I make it public. My apologies to the public.
The advantage of being raised by a Licensed Professional Counselor is that I know how to use my dreams to get insight into my life. When I was 5 and troubled with nightmares, my mother taught me how to control my dreams; if I have that sinking feeling in my gut while dreaming, I assert a little bit of mind control and change my dream world. Doesn't always work perfectly, but the point is that my 'subconscious' and 'conscious' communicate a lot. Hence why I pay attention to my dreams--it is my inner communication.
The night in high school where I started dreaming in Spanish, I knew I was getting fluent (theoretically, anyway. I get stage fright when speaking). The night in college when I dreamed about putting the 12-lead EKG stickers on a patient, I felt certain I could pass nursing school.
So, for the past few nights I have consistently dreamed that I was talking to a doctor about a patient, or that I needed to give a patient some medication, or some other nursing-related activity. I draw several conclusions from this: 1) my imagination might need a workshop, 2) sleeping and working are blending together, 3) I am getting twice the nursing experience, and 4) I think my subconscious has accepted my career choice.

                  So, now that I've gotten that message, where's the off button?


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