bonza bottler's day

i.e. 11-11-11. my family has been recognizing bonza bottler's day for years, but I only just recently figured out the origin of the term. Apparently it's Australian. That makes it way awesome [Auss-some. sorry. my family also celebrates bad puns.]
Yeah, so bonza bottler's day is the day when the month number and the day number match. and when the year matches too, like it did yesterday, then that is extra exciting. So for the extra exciting day, I took pictures of '11'
re-staining the door allows this 11 to stand out more

and some of my favorite cookies

lodgepole pines can come in handy


the incredibly versatile fruit

K, so I'm not really known for my photography. Be grateful I didn't post 5 other pictures to bring the count to 11. Happy Bonza Bottler's Day!


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