bucket list

Here, at the beginning of the celebration for dia de los muertos, aka day of the dead, I find it appropriate to create a running list of things I want to do before I die:

-go to Japan with my incredible best friends
-learn conversational French
-get up on the wakeboard
-play a string instrument
-develop a taste for vegetables
-travel to the countries of my ancestors: England, Sweden, Ireland, Denmark, Germany, etc. (I'm a mutt)
-have a heart-to-heart with my sister
-serve a healthcare mission (i.e. pro bono nursing)
-become a horsewoman
-visit all the National Parks
-successfully grow a plant
-complete a quilt
-paint a canvas
-participate in a triathalon
-speak a phrase in various languages (right now, I know how to say "Who's your daddy" in about a half dozen languages. I'm sure it will come in handy)


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