why i moved to Texas

[a small bit of] East Texas
Blue Hole
Because I'm a wimp. It's too cold up north, and Arizona is too dry (really, I've been there and instantly got dehydrated. by about 4 liters).

The weather has finally turned for the winter. It probably amounts to the north's 'fall' season, but it's cold enough for me. I go around with fur coat and gloves for the 50-60 degree weather. But it looks really nice.
Which I'm trying to show here:

Honestly, this is my favorite one. I love when pictures turn out spectacular without any  tweaks to camera specifications, because I don't know how to do that.

If we were in Oklahoma, I'd have sung "Oh, what a beautiful mo-or-ning, oh what a beautiful day, I've got a beautiful fe-eel-ing everything's going my way!" Instead, I sung "If I die young, bury me in satin", much to the amusement of our Thanksgiving guests. I thought it was appropriate, since we were walking through a cemetery. [This, by the way, is not the cemetery, but right next to it]

Yeah, so this post wasn't what the title suggested. I don't really want to answer that question anyway. Too self-centered, too complicated, and too boring :)


  1. Apart from the awful heat in the summer, Texas is a great place to live. I'm glad I ended up here.


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