Babe in the Woods

'Babe in the Woods' could be the next film title for that talented sheepdog pig. I wonder why the producers didn't think of that.
Anyway, I don't mean to talk about pigs, but about age. 

I don't much like it when people ask how old I am, partly because sometimes I don't remember. I went to a church dance when I was in high school, and as this guy was slow-dancing with me, he asked me how old I was (probably just for sake of conversation). I had to, I would not be attending a church dance if I were younger than 14, so I told him 14. Then I remembered that I had been going to these dances for a while, so I corrected myself and said 15. Then I realized that I had actually gone on a date recently, and as the recommended age for dating in my church starts at 16, I was, in fact, for real this time, 16. We didn't talk for the rest of the dance.

The other part I don't like about the age question is that I feel the question puts me on a chart as some data point. 

Society measures age by what a person has done; if a person has accomplished a lot compared to others their age, then they are 'young' (leaving maturity out of the argument). Adele has a Grammy and she is only 23=young. If accomplishments (relationships, job, place of living, fame, etc) compared to numerical age give a low ratio, that poor person, bless their heart, is old.

I don't much like society's measuring stick because that view of progression is limited to physical accomplishments. Obviously it is easier to measure something if you can see it, but that doesn't mean it's the best way to measure.

I prefer looking at age based on ultimate destination, or who we can become. I'm inclined to think that God uses a similar measuring stick. Precision is perhaps a little harder for human conception, considering that the 'yardstick' approaches eternity, but the good news is that it is the only meter that matters, that God does not view me as a data point, and that he does not underestimate my ability or potential in light of my age.


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