
Showing posts from December, 2012

In the Spirit of Christmas

Last week, my long-term patient asked me to take him downstairs to the gift shop so that he could buy a present for his wife for Christmas. So I got him in his wheelchair, put on his Santa hat, and with me bedecked in a Christmas light necklace, we looked pretty festive. We went downstairs, and heard a brass ensemble in the lobby performing Christmas carols, so we stopped to listen. The music was very well done, and helped with the Christmas spirit. After a while, we proceeded on to the gift shop, where 'Guy' wanted to look at purses, because he had noticed his wife's purse was getting raggedy. I held up several different options, which got turned down for price or gaudiness, but he finally liked one, and said it would be perfect. The catch: it was $39, and he had $40, and we didn't think that would cover taxes. He waved over a store assistant and asked if it would be enough, and one of the other customers, who had seen us choosing purses, said she would cover the dif

the end, or, in other words, the finish line

Well, I did it. Today I ran my first half marathon. It was the first race I have ever signed up for, although I did later sign up to do a 5K and a 10K to help me prepare for the big half. Not sure running half marathons is really my thing. I brought my inhaler, so I never felt short of breath, and I didn't really hurt that bad during the run, but my legs started to feel like jelly, and I definitely got blisters. I also twisted my ankle about 5 times, because the course was over this prairie-long-grass-with-gopher-holes-and-deep-sand-and-mud type of turf. I thought the course was really tough, and was really tempted to just walk (which I did for about a tenth of a mile, mainly to drink water or take my inhaler, but also just because) or just throw myself down on the ground and not get up. I did not give into the latter, even at the end. But I did promptly soak in an epsom salt bath and take a long nap. I went with one of my good friends, Tammy, and her husband and brother-in

i have a twisted sense of humor

One of my favorite songs growing up was "A thousand words" by Savage Garden, because it had the word  "damnation" in it, which I thought was hilarious. I'm guessing I haven't matured much, because I still smile when I listen to the song. For my enjoyment, (possibly yours too, depending on your sense of humor), I have compiled statements that can be sprinkled into everyday life to express strong emotion. It's clean, I promise I'm going to go run on the dam road Give me the flipping spatula Look, it's a blinking light Watch out for the bloody animal More additions to come as I think of them, but I'm afraid to think too hard. could be dangerous. ~~~~~~~ Okay, here's one of my favorite jokes: What did the fish say when it swam into the wall? Dam! What did the wall say back? Dumb bass

bruisingly honest, but not for your benefit

I'm not sure this post is for my benefit either. I don't know why I am writing this. It's just the sort of thing that I'd write in a journal, but I don't keep a journal. I keep a blog. I told a friend the other day that I felt like I was "nesting in" (usually only occurs to pregnant ladies) because I kept rearranging/re-decorating my living room, and I had more intense mood variations. Since we both know that I'm not pregnant, she suggested maybe it was a sign that I was going to get married soon. I find that just slightly less impossible than the pregnant answer. Here's the thing: I want to date guys, generally, but when it comes to guys, specifically, I pretty much freak (Just inside. Or to really close friends). It is so frustrating. If I were a shrink, I'd tell you what's going on, but I'm not, so I don't know. What I have figured out so far is that I absolutely must know the guy (in a general, observational way) for at lea