i have a twisted sense of humor

One of my favorite songs growing up was "A thousand words" by Savage Garden, because it had the word  "damnation" in it, which I thought was hilarious. I'm guessing I haven't matured much, because I still smile when I listen to the song. For my enjoyment, (possibly yours too, depending on your sense of humor), I have compiled statements that can be sprinkled into everyday life to express strong emotion. It's clean, I promise

I'm going to go run on the dam road
Give me the flipping spatula
Look, it's a blinking light
Watch out for the bloody animal

More additions to come as I think of them, but I'm afraid to think too hard. could be dangerous.

Okay, here's one of my favorite jokes:
What did the fish say when it swam into the wall?
What did the wall say back?
Dumb bass


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