In the Spirit of Christmas

Last week, my long-term patient asked me to take him downstairs to the gift shop so that he could buy a present for his wife for Christmas. So I got him in his wheelchair, put on his Santa hat, and with me bedecked in a Christmas light necklace, we looked pretty festive. We went downstairs, and heard a brass ensemble in the lobby performing Christmas carols, so we stopped to listen. The music was very well done, and helped with the Christmas spirit.

After a while, we proceeded on to the gift shop, where 'Guy' wanted to look at purses, because he had noticed his wife's purse was getting raggedy. I held up several different options, which got turned down for price or gaudiness, but he finally liked one, and said it would be perfect. The catch: it was $39, and he had $40, and we didn't think that would cover taxes. He waved over a store assistant and asked if it would be enough, and one of the other customers, who had seen us choosing purses, said she would cover the difference. I handed her the price tag and the $40, and she handed the $40 right back and said she would take the whole tab.
I gave the money back to 'Guy', and informed him that he had been given a Christmas present, and then thanked the lady so much. You see, I am not sure how much longer Guy has, and even though I knew Guy had already gotten his wife a Christmas present, this was clearly important to him, to show his love and appreciation and thoughtfulness to his sweetheart. I nearly cried on our way back to his hospital room.

There is still goodwill in men for their fellowmen. There is still peace, and hope, and love.
May God watch over us, as we watch over each other.
Merry Christmas


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