Buildings and India, Agra

While looking over my last post before 'publication', I realized it was taking too long to load, and that I could not include all of the places I had been without compromising accessibility. So here is the Agra installment of buildings. Basically, that means the Taj Mahal.
Ta Da!
I went with Christina and a tour guide, which was awesome because it meant I knew what I was looking at.
In a brief americanized summary, a powerful king had 3 wives, but he loved the 3rd wife best because she bore him children. A lot of children. As she lay dying from the birth of the 14th or so, she requested that the king tell his kingdom how much he loved her, and that he not marry any more wives. So he built the Taj Mahal as her tomb.
The outer complex

Inlay of precious and semi-precious stones


I was very popular at the Taj Mahal. As I was taking pictures of the exterior, Christina told me that someone wanted to take a picture of me. I had no problem with that.
A file of people posed with me, taking at least a dozen shots. As we walked away, I asked Christina, "Haven't they seen a white person before?" Yes, but apparently most people don't let strangers take pictures with them. Oh.
 There was one other significant building we saw in Agra, but because we needed to get to Jaipur, I just took a picture of the outside and called it good.
Agra Fort


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