lock and load, nursing style

I had a face-off with the Pyxis at work this past week. It's actually not the first time we've had a quarrel, but this was by far the worst one.
It started like this:

This is our Pyxis machine. Pretty innocent. Grey, non-descript.

Then I come along
Notice the open drawer. If you look closely, you can also see my pant drawstrings dangling down. And may I remind you that this is a computer-controlled medication cabinet. The drawers cannot be opened unless a medication is selected.

I hope you all are in suspense now.

Yes, I shut my drawstrings in the medication drawer. This is the 5th time I've done that. What made it worse is I could not pull them back out. So I just kept getting my medications as if nothing had happened (minus hysterical laughter).
Then came the tricky part. I needed to get a medicine from the far right cabinet. I couldn't reach. I tried, but I was stuck.
At this point, another nurse came along, and when she asked me what the heck I was doing, I just told her to give the medicine in the cabinet and we'll forget this ever happened.
Once I got all the meds that I had originally selected out, I told the computer that I wanted heparin again (a medicine in the culprit drawer), and thus escaped, none the worse for the wear.

I also got inspiration for my next new year's resolution. No, it's not avoiding getting stuck in the Pyxis. It's to talk nicely on the phone.
So here's the story. One of our patient transporters was singing a Christmas song, so I smiled. He said in shock "I've never seen you smile! Usually you're like..." At this point he goes over to a phone, picks it up, makes an angry face while mouthing words, and slams the phone down. I was laughing at his imitation, but he may have a point. I don't like talking on phones. I especially don't like talking on phones to resolve issues (which is usually why I'm on the phone at work). I have no way to judge the context of what the other person is saying, nor can they see me to understand why I sound hurried, angry, or annoyed. And I often am annoyed on the phone, because so many things go wrong, and things are misunderstood.
Thus, I will strive to be nice on the phone in the coming year. 
Maybe you should wait til then to call me.


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