the markets and motors

I had to wait to write this post til I had distributed most of the gifts. But finally, the day has come.

I owe pretty much everything I got to the kindness of friends and the help of my tour guides (see You see, I had no idea what things were worth, especially in a foreign currency, and then I had no idea where I should go. And of course, since I look like a foreigner, I am more likely to be charged foreigner prices. So how awesome is it that I got to go to all sorts of places I had no idea existed, and then have people bargain for me? Pretty Awesome.

The first market I went to is probably the most epic. Old Delhi. I didn't buy anything there, but boy, if I had wanted to, I would have had no limits. There were all kinds of shops, and it was PACKED with people. At first we were on a rickshaw, but then we had to get off and walk because there was no room.
In the streets of Old Delhi

For the rest of my tour in North India, it seemed that we'd go sight-seeing, and then my tour guides would take me to a shop. I guess sight-seeing inspires shopping. It worked. I bought a marble plaque after seeing the marble inlay in the Taj Mahal, and selected some scarves after touring something or other in Jaipur (see? it didn't even have to relate to what I saw).
A sweets shop in Jaipur. Didn't buy anything, but the samples were good

My second (and last) outdoor market was in Goa. It was my favorite because I didn't feel so claustrophobic. I could see the sun, feel a breeze, and walk around comfortably. Plus, I liked shopping with Tamanna's family. We laughed a lot.

I also went to lots of little shops throughout the trip. I feel that those are more typical of everyday shopping, because I don't think a tourist could find them easily. So, logically, they must be for locals.

Now for Ground Travel: it was very thrilling. For a lot of the North, I got from place to place via taxi, but if it was more local, rickshaws were the way to go
Auto Rickshaw

Rickshaw: me and Christina and random guy

the view from the rickshaw

Traffic. This is pretty light traffic, actually

image from here
image from here:
Traffic is CRAZY. Especially in Delhi. Technically there are lanes, and legislatively there are laws [and signs advertising these laws, such as "Lane Driving is Sane Driving" or "Speeding Thrills but it Kills"] but few people pay attention to such things. I don't remember more than 2 traffic lights. I also don't remember more than 2 accidents. Which is miraculous. There are people and cars and bikes and cycles and cows everywhere.

At a more 'sane' section, I got to get more first-hand experience. I drove (rode? pedaled? directed?) the rickshaw. I wanted to go fast. The driver wanted otherwise. Regardless of my speed, I got a lot of attention.


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