British Botany

My google+ account decided to produce a book titled "Trip to Great Britain." I looked at it. And decided I preferred writing my own description of my trip to Great Britain, because the photos the google generator randomly chose for said book were incredibly boring.
So I have chosen a topic, and it is, predictably according to my title, on gardens.
When Melissa and I first got to London, our first destination was Kew Gardens. And it was fantastic. I learned that it takes 1000 pounds of a periwinkle from Madagascar to make less than 3 mL of the cancer drug vincristine. I learned that Britons call popsicles "ice lollies." And I discovered that humans are closely knit with trees.
Get it?
By the way, I should warn you that as we were packing for our trip, Melissa and I decided to pack things that we wouldn't naturally wear in the United States. So we look as hipster/hippie/weirdie as we ever will.

This is a selfie. It took a couple tries.

 When we reached Edinburgh, Macy and I trekked over to the Royal Botanic Gardens so that I could compare. My official report: the Royal Botanic Gardens has more variety, and better labeling, but the Kew Gardens look nicer, in a subjective sort of way.


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