Lose your self

I've been reflecting on organs lately--don't know why. and also, I'm not talking about the musical instrument--and I've come to the hypothesis that humans lose themselves a lot.

We lose our mind. Not sure where it goes...
This trip was on the spontaneous side. What we were thinking, I don't know, but it was AWESOME
We also lose our heads

We lose our feet (or rather, our footing). Also, we lose our toehold.
Slipped so many times hiking this in Edinburgh

We lose our stomach. Blegh
Actually, this was delicious. But I ordered this because the other option was haggis.

We lose sight of what we seek.
While in Lacock, we lost interest in Slughorn's house in favor of a slug. Or rather, a snail.

We lose our nerve.
Melissa and I went to see this. And we weren't committed. Crude stuff. So we left. The nerve of them!

We lose face
Well, that's assuming people thought we were dignified.

We lose our heart.
People say you find yourself on journeys. What they should say is that you find yourself in what you lose.


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