
Yes, really.

Public restrooms are quite interesting in the UK. Actually, I think they are similar to ones in Europe, but since I've not exactly been to Europe, I'm sticking with "UK is different than US"
Public restrooms are pay toilets. The one Melissa is posing in front of advertised a sanitizer spray after each use, 50 pence entry. I suppose that's reasonable. But it rather irritated me because on top of paying to drink (VERY few water fountains in the UK. I only saw one.), I had to pay to send that drink into the sewers. 
On the plus side, UK toilets have hidden tanks. Most of the toilets are floating toilets. I love that. Because I hate tanks. I think they are disgusting. This is probably not logical, but I guess that goes to show that I have tank-phobia, and phobias are never logical.


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