A Pregnant Rain

I use the term pregnant rain to describe Norway's climate for two reasons: One, I am pretty sure it rains 9 months of the year; and Two, the rain is rich in resourcefulness and possibilities of development (that's like a direct quotation for the Merriam-Webster definition).
Norway does have a lovely summer, but as I was there in autumn, I mostly experienced rain. So basically all of my photos of me have me sporting a rain coat.
Raincoat A
Raincoat B. plus rain boots
The grey clouds actually enhance the green landscape, so I didn't mind that. But when the wind got thrown in the mix, throwing raindrops at me like mini-missiles, I was not as enthusiastic.
This was an uplifting experience
The most memorable weather day was on a Sunday. The morning and early afternoon were fine, so my friends and I went sight-seeing. It started raining, but we had an agenda; they wanted to show me the viking burial site. So we park on the side of a field, and get out and pull our hoods up, and start tromping through mud puddles, rock puddles, and mushy grass puddles. We climbed over rocks, we climbed over wire fences gingerly (in case they were electric), we swished through cow fields...and then the wind picked up. I have evidence.
Exhibit A. This is a cow, but it's blurry because the wind kept moving my camera

Exhibit B. Blurryish from wind. But that's the viking burial site.
And then we had to tromp back through those fields, over those rocks, over and under those wire fences (which we figured out were not electric), and try to see with rain in our eyes.
Actually, this brings me to a point. I was wearing glasses, but I took them off because rain was making the lenses so blurry that I could DEFINITELY see better without them.
Except at some point during the tromping back, I lost my glasses.
This is how I imagine their new life:


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