We struck oil

The reason I went to Norway was because I have a friend there, and I have a friend there because her husband moved there, and he moved there because of oil. So basically, what got me to Norway is oil.
This is a monument to oil workers. Also another depiction of wind.
Just a brief tribute to oil in memory of this opportunity: oil companies approached Norway about harvesting oil (I don't know what it's called. I'm not a petroleum engineer, okay?) sometime in the last 30 years. Up to that point, petroleum terms were not even in the Norwegian language. Because Norwegians are slightly stubborn about using their language, a team of linguists "Norwegian-ized" a bunch of oil terms. I learned this from a coffee table book at my friend's house. That is as much as I got out of it. I thought it was meaningful.

Annnnd moving on to other things. More meaningful things. Like my friends.
This is Tammy. I call her my third mom.

Mark, Tammy, and Elvis the dog
They made no complaint about taking me to things they had seen and/or done before. Mostly in the rain.
So I went on a cruise up a fjord
btw all of the photos of a metal rail behind me are from the fjord cruise. These are the prettier pictures.
Amazing, right?

the stone heart
There's a legend in Norway that a rock troll fell in love with a human maiden. She died, and when he died, his heart remained, etched in rock.
Preikestolen. It will get its own post

Just freaking gorgeous.
And we went to the broken chain (top picture), which memorializes workers who died on an oil rig.

And, last one because I'm posting too many photos, they took me to Three Swords, and Mark chivalrously documented my death.
The Three Swords celebrate the unification of Norway sometime around the first millenium AD.

I think it's significant that my coat is red.


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