Parenting, level infinity

I was thinking today, on an abnormally cold morning, that it would be fairly easy for God to make me warm; far easier than giving me the energy to get up and make myself warm. So I was about to bargain about this, but then I had a thought: if God's goal were to make me warm, then my logic is great. But that is not God's goal. His goal is to raise me; to raise me up, as it were. And so actually, with that goal in mind, it is better to give me the energy to do the work myself than to fix it for me.

Some people think God does not exist, or that he is ignoring us, or something along those lines, because our problems are not usually taken away. To me, I find that Him watching and waiting for the right time a far more powerful testimony of his divinity than if he gave me whatever I wished when I wanted it. He watches and waits and guides to help us grow. If his goal were to get a job done, then it would be much faster and more efficient if he did it himself. But, as I said, his goal is us, and so he will patiently teach us how to pray, even though he already knows what we are thinking; he teaches us to love, even though he can love so much better and fully; and he will let us cry, even though he knows that he has something better in store for us.
He is the perfect parent. And we are imperfect, but that's because we are children.
It will come.
It will get better.


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