I'm a natural something

I've heard that perfect competence is achieved when you don't have to think about how you are doing a task. For example, a perfect saint does not think about choosing between his/her own needs and that of a person in need; the saint just does his/her saintly thing naturally.
You might get the impression that I'm setting up this post to claim I'm a saint.


I am claiming that I am a comedian.
This is actually quite a shock to me, because I have only ever made my dad--a pretty good critic on humor, although strongly biased towards himself--laugh ONCE in my whole life at one of my jokes/witticisms.  And unfortunately, I don't even remember what I said.

My true setting for this hidden talent must be the hospital; a lot of people (or at least a few people have said multiple times...) claim I'm hilarious. When my patients say this, I don't believe them. It's like the judge in the courtroom--you HAVE to laugh at his (or her) jokes.I'm the one with the needle, after all...
[In fact, this reminds me of one of my patients from a year ago who claimed I was a true entertainer. I told her a different joke each time I had to give her a shot, but I really had to ransack my brain to recall the 3 jokes I knew.]

However, it's not my patients claiming I'm hilarious. It's my co-workers. I believe them to be more or less sane and unmedicated, so I am thoroughly confused.
I'm not trying to be funny. I just say the things that pop into my head (which is apparently very different from the things that pop into my co-workers' heads).

So when T, commenting on a news report of a teenager killing his mom, noted that it was so sad, I said "At least it's not mother's day." Because seriously, what's the appropriate response to that?

When a patient transporter called out for the nurse for bed X, I called out "Present!" Because what else did he want me to say?

When a call light went off, but then was silenced by our secretary, I called out "Does that mean someone is in there, or that she silenced it because it's annoying?" Because that's a possibility, right?

There are probably more examples of  my droll observations and zany actions, but since I don't know what specifically I'm doing that's so funny, it sure does make it hard to give examples.

Sometimes I feel under pressure to be funny (it's sort-of a big give-away of their expectations when my co-workers come to ask for my commentary), and I have this strange worry that I won't make the cut, because I don't even know how to improve.
Fortunately, my colleagues tell me that it's even more hilarious that I don't know that I'm hilarious.
And knowing that I'm hilarious when I don't know that I'm being hilarious encourages me to just not even try to figure out how I'm hilarious so that I can be more hilarious.

Well, that makes perfect sense.

It's like my sense of humor is a box of chocolates.
I never know what I'm going to get.


  1. I love your humor - and have always thought of you as hilarious :)


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