See-it-all 3 times fast

Way back 2 weeks ago (hey, I did say these posts would be sporadic) I flew up to Seattle for the third time in my life to visit someone I'd never met before.
Namely this guy.
You can tell he likes my hair. And that he's pretty wiggly. And downright adorable.

It had to be a super-short visit, because school has put more of a restriction on the flexibility of my schedule. Erggh I forgot about that stuff. [I suppose I would never have applied to grad school if I remembered how much work college is.]

So in 3 quick days,
I went mini-golfing (pictured above is my celebratory stance after a hole-in-one)

I played games with baby boy's parents

I went to Pike's Place for the FIRST time
I did yoga

I painted my toenails

I made sushi. Actually, mostly I ate sushi.

And I pretended I fit in with the hipster vibe in the city (haha, isn't that ironic).

I even had time to take a nap and go on a run.
Somehow, I did all that and still caught moments like this


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