[Just some meta-writing here. Isn't it great how the title can mean "Idaho & me" as well as "Idaho home"?]

Scrolling through my pictures of the Idaho part of the trip, I get the impression that we spent most of it in a museum or zoo...but mostly the zoo. 

And that's where words are important, because no, I didn't take pictures of the "Olympic Swimming Aerobics" class I went to with my mother-in-law, or the mornings where we just chilled in the living room [and maybe watched "Leave it to Beaver" with my father-in-law]. I also didn't photograph the meals at their home with the time-honored plate and flatware settings, the trivets, and the rotating placemats [this is why Mark is better at proper table-setting than I am]. Or a compilation of my losses at bowling, blacklight miniature golf, or anything else that requires hand-eye coordination. Also, no pics of our rounds of hand-foot canasta [or the one-page list of rules for the game that has been a group effort purely for my benefit].

But fortunately for you, I did get pictures of gaming in virtual reality,

Mark's parents battling robots

and our successful Escape out of a Room, 

and lots of pictures of the Zoo. 

Penguin Encounter with Nelson

fascination with Julie's shoelaces


Plus the museum.

The Animal Inside Out exhibit

I also had a strange run-in with my husband with friends, but that's for another post.

'Til then!


  1. I’m so glad you two came!! We had lots of love and laughs!! ♥️


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