Unexpected Dinner Guest

 Have you ever run into a friend in a place you weren't expecting them to be? I have stumbled into a Utah nursing classmate years later in Texas, a Texas friend in DC, and Utah relatives in Missouri--all unplanned--but for some reason I wasn't nearly as shocked for those as I was when I ran into my husband in Idaho Falls. As a reminder, we had traveled to Idaho Falls together, but honestly he was the last person I was expecting to see in the restaurant.

The "Ploughman's Melt" and the "Oinker"
It goes like this: I have a friend (from Texas) who moved to Idaho Falls with her husband, so when I'm in the area, I like to see her [aka Melissa]. Mark (from Idaho Falls) has friends who are still in the neighborhood, and he likes to meet up with them when he's in town. Thus, when we were in Idaho earlier this month, we arranged to hang out separately with our respective friends. Mark had plans to go to some particular restaurant [with the word "Eagle" in it, not that that's important] with Drew and Loop, and I had plans to eat at a family-run hipster-style place with Melissa. When Melissa and I got to the chosen eatery, they basically said they were swamped with "To-Go" orders that would occupy them at least until closing time, so we took the hint to look somewhere else. I saw a Chinese place, but Melissa doesn't trust Chinese food in Idaho [there aren't exactly a lot of Chinese people in the area that would pressure the restaurant into authenticity], so we wandered down the street until I saw a bar & grill. I made a half-hearted suggestion that we go there, and to my surprise, Melissa agreed, so we took a table toward the back where it was less crowded. We chatted, and laughed, and eventually ordered food.
Right when our meal was brought to the table, Mark popped up [I swear, out of nowhere] and asked what we thought of the food.

I was absolutely flabbergasted. Had he been following me? Did he miss me that much already?

Turns out the restaurant they wanted to go to was booked for an event, and the next place they tried was closed on Mondays [this happened on a Monday, obviously], and then Mark's friend Loop said he had been meaning to try out this bar & grill downtown, and so they took a table at the front of The Celt. And we could have had our own meals in the same restaurant, none the wiser, except Drew headed toward the restrooms at the back of the building, and came back swearing to Mark that I was eating here, too. Mark was sure it couldn't be me, but when he investigated, there I was!

This was Melissa's "Girls' Night Out," so we didn't join their table, but when she had to get back to her kids, I hugged her goodbye and took my plate over to sit with Mark up by the entrance. Surprisingly, the waiter didn't accuse me of trying to steal a plate.

And in case you're ever in the area, I highly recommend the  "Ploughman's Melt" with the "Guinness bread" on the side [Thank you Drew for sharing].


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