Take Flight[s]

 I just got back from a long-overdue visit with my family. Lots happened. So we're going to take this recounting in stages. Stage 1: Airports

First thing to confess is that I had a lot of problems with my water bottle. I bought a liter of water after passing through the security check, and amazingly I dropped it at least a dozen times in 3 different airports, all in one day. When we later started our trip back home, for some reason the TSA threw out my [empty] bottle, so I once again purchased a liter of water and unsurprisingly dropped it on the floor. Mark told me that I was allowed one more bottle-drop, and then he would have a coronary. Fortunately for his health, I did not drop it again...but I did leave it in an airport shop and have to go back (minutes later) to retrieve it. 

May this not be a foreshadowing of how I manage future children.

Really, that's all I've got for airport stories [oh, except for the little vignette that Mark and I tried some "salted Cookies & Cream" ice cream from one of the shops, and realizing that they really weren't kidding about the 'salted' part], but here are some interesting signs I came across in a couple of the airports:

Good advertising for one of the restaurants. Not that I drink, but it was still funny.

I personally thought the sign looked like it was asking guys to please not stalk women, but to respectfully give them some space.


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