I dig gardens. and cemeteries

Since my trip was over the weekend, logically one of the days I was there was Sunday. So we tried for Sunday-ish sight-seeing. That included the U.S. Botanic Garden, Arlington Cemetery, the National Cathedral, and the Washington D.C. temple. So it was still a jam-packed day.

Mistletoe for the season

A whole room devoted to orchids
The main gallery was a miniature National Mall
The Hawaii section was actually pretty short.

The changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

 The tombs at Arlington Cemetery all had wreaths for the Christmas season. It was amazing to see so many fresh wreaths scattered around.

For some reason, when I took a panorama of the National Cathedral, it became deconstructed. But that's still artistic, right?

The interior of the Cathedral. Notice Texas flag on right.

While we were in the cathedral, some medieval-style singers sang something or other. I love singing in cathedrals.

We went to the D.C. temple for a Christmas concert by Jenny Oaks Baker, and while waiting for the concert to start, walked around looking at the Christmas lights. I love the pinpricks of light in the Christmas season.


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