Rockin' around the museums of D.C.

For reasons I don't understand, I woke up the Monday morning in D.C. with a migraine. I would have preferred to stay in bed. However, I had an agenda to accomplish. So, by bike and train, I entered the Capitol. Then I called my dad to direct me to the nearest pharmacy so that I could buy Excedrin. Bless him, he did.
With that accomplished, I directed my steps to Ford's Theatre, the site where my favorite dead person was shot. Conveniently, I got there 5 minutes before the next entry time.
Ford's Theatre Presidential Box

The bed where Lincoln passed away
The books published on Lincoln
The whole presentation is self-guided. I wandered around the theatre, noting the Presidential Box where Lincoln was seated. Then I crossed the street to the Peterson House where President Lincoln died. I looked at exhibits on his mentors, his character, his influence, and his lasting impression on modern culture. It was absolutely wonderful. I bought my only souvenir there.

On my way to the National Museum of Natural History, I spotted some great modern culture.
At the museum itself, I had to skip parts because it was so...big. It's pretty famous for the Hope Diamond, but I enjoyed the Human Origins and Ocean Hall exhibits better.

I got a tip from one of the security guards to definitely see the National Museum of American History, because it has the original star-spangled banner, or at least most of it. Pieces have been cut out in the past for souvenirs.
I also enjoyed the display on Americans at War; especially the Civil War letter requiring war nurses to be plain-faced.

The Nauvoo Temple Sun stone
My last museum for the day was the National and Air and Space Museum. The size of the museum is smaller than my hometown NASA campus, but has the added displays of airplanes, including information on spying via air. Alyssa met me there, but we didn't spend much time there because we needed to visit the National Mall monuments before the sun went down.

Wright airplane
This plane is made of cardboard and plastic
WWII monument

This is going to get picture-heavy.
Washington Monument

Lincoln Memorial

Jefferson Memorial

MLK Jr Memorial

Lyss and I met up with her boyfriend Collin to see a preview of the last Hobbit movie. Don't have any pictures from that event, because that's illegal, but it was fantastic, and I cried.


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