My house, it has four corners.

There comes a time when I realize, "Oh my gosh, I haven't finished blogging about Norway!"
And then I go to bed or something.
But here we are for real, continuing the theme of biblical houses.
By which I mean churches.
This is the Domkirke (pronounced dome-sheer-ka). Kirke means church. I'd assume Dom means dome, but I don't remember a dome...just arches
looking toward the front door
The Resurrected Christ

inset of Christ
Window above the altar

 The Domkirke is the oldest cathedral in Norway, dating to around 1150. The outside front is getting renovated, and it's been renovated at least 2 times in its past. But still, really old.

The other noticeable church in Stavanger is the Rodkirke. I don't know if that's its real name, but that's what I call it, because it is the red church, and that is what Rodkirke means (although the o actually has a slash through it to make an "u" sound)

It had a cool organ
I also went to a Latter-Day Saint kirke, when I attended the Sunday meeting. The meeting was in Norwegian, so I slept for most of it because I had no idea what was going on. Also, it was a broadcast from Oslo, as it was a regional conference (referred to as stake conferences). Didn't help my ability to pay attention. Oh well.


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