The Urban side of the Land of Midnight Sun

All the pictures and activities I've written about so far in Norway are about nature (excluding the churches, but those are all about overcoming the natural man, so really the same category).
Well, there are more common signs of civilization, too. And I actually did spend a good amount of time shopping. All still very fascinating, though, with a decidedly Norwegian flair.

They even have graffiti.

I did the majority of the shopping at Fritex, which is like a Goodwill or something, except like a million times better. Full of the weird and wonderful. Check out that coat I found. [did NOT buy it, to the disappointment of my friends]

Sometimes we just browsed. Which, to you non-shoppers, is like sight-seeing for free. So above you have Gamle Stavanger, which means Old Stavanger, because it is the cute old part of town. The houses are all white, and the streets are mostly cobblestone. Which is kind-of painful, but helps give you traction.

Speaking of traction, there is a REALLY popular and expensive Norwegian store called Moods of Norway. And their logo is a tractor. I really have no idea why. But here it is.
You can buy a tractor-shaped waffle iron here.
I think tractors are really important to them.

Here's another interesting store: Eplehuset. Which means Apple house. Get it? See the little Apple logo? My friends told me they couldn't use the actual label "Apple" for some reason or other, so this was their variation.

There IS sun in Norway! And a skyline! Amazing!
 Nearly everybody native to Norway appears unshaken to adverse weather. They run and walk and bike and skate/ski and whatever in rain or storm or dark of night (sounds like the US postal service to me). However, I was more impressed by rainstorms, and opted to do my exercise in a gym class. Instructions were in Norwegian, so I got to go as easy as I wanted. haha, it sometimes pays to not understand what is going on.
time for a selfie
 Sometimes I did recognize things. Like Apple. It's a universal symbol, right? Here is the second universal symbol: The Red Cross. And that's the best of any sign of civilization.


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