The Other Side of the Fence

I got a call from my alma mater asking for money, and the student-for-philanthropy started off by asking how my day went. I responded that it was great. She asked why. I said, "Because I have so much material for funny stories."
This is the story, and I'm sticking to it.
I went to get the mail, in my jeans and pseudo-crocs/clogs and a hoodie. There was only one piece of mail in the mailbox, and it wasn't for me, and it looked like junk anyway. Darn.
So I walked back to my apartment, and as I neared the front door, I heard a kitten crying. I set the junk letter on my bushes, and walked over to the fence at the end of the property (which is only a sidewalk-width away from my house). I peeped between the slats, I got on my hands and knees and peered under the fence, and I could see nothing. But the kitten was still meowing, so I grabbed the junk letter in case some weird person wanted it, and examined the fence for a way over. The fence is like 8-10 feet tall, with pointy metal barbs across the top. Really should have stopped there. But I guess I imagined myself as the ideal citizen, so I looked over to my right and saw a 3-4 foot metal electricity box. After reading the warning and being assured it was safe as long as the covering was intact, I climbed on top, then peered over. I spotted the kitten in a junkyard-looking place (old oven, old fridge, several toilets, a couple of light poles, etc.), which I figured was not conducive to a healthy kitten upbringing. So I grabbed a small tree branch and hoisted myself onto the narrow strip of non-barbed wood. Climbing down the other side was hard, since I usually lower myself by holding onto the top, and unless I wanted pierced palms, that was not an option. So I just jumped.
Then I walked through a wood gate (at this point, I should have realized ideal citizens do not do such things) into the junkyard place, carefully clambering over things so that I would not touch anything unless it was absolutely necessary. I called, and looked, and listened, but did not hear anything. I stood looking back and wondered how on EARTH I got into this position. Well, actually, I knew how. But why? By this time, I was at the other side of the yard, and my way out was blocked by a bunch of toilets. I did NOT want to climb on those, so I took a hurdle-like jump onto some stacked paving stones, grabbing the top of the fence to prevent myself from falling into the toilet. After I got out, I realized I was in an apartment complex. Kind-of sketchy apartment complex, gated, and with a NO TRESPASSING. VIOLATORS WILL BE PERSECUTED sign. I tried to act like it was perfectly normal for me to be strolling from behind a dumpster in the parking lot, and walked out the (thankfully open) car gate. Then I found myself next to the highway, still in a sketchy area. So I kept a confident walk, and called a friend so that she could know where I was and make sure I got back home safely. We reflected on how nice it was that no one questioned my motives or my story. Although, i did have that piece of mail in my pocket to back my alibi.
Anyway, at least half an hour later, I walked into my apartment, and decided not to go out for the rest of the day, even if hungry kittens are out there.


  1. I snorted milk out my nose while reading this. That's kind of hilarious.


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